Links to sites
Below you will find links to most of the sites that are important to the rabbit breeder or hobbiest feel free to ask if your site or other relavent sites should go on this page (please be aware juniors will access this and other sites so please bare in mind)
Studs, Rabbitry's and Caveries
https://sites.google.com/site/kaimykcavies Tarax Studs sister site web page covering our stud of Cavies
http://www.cmsbunnies.co.uk/ Breeder site for Miniature lops focusing mainly on sealpoints
http://www.lorenzostud.com/ Breeder site for Miniature Lops and Lion Lops
Professional Bodies
http://www.defra.gov.uk/ Defra web site
http://www.thebrc.org/ The British Rabbit Council web site
Rabbit Shows and Clubs
http://www.thesmallanimalshow.co.uk/ The Burgess Small Animal Show
http://www.nndrc.co.uk/ The National Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club
http://www.britishminirexclub.com/ The British Mini Rex Club
http://www.yorkshirelop.org/ The Yorshire Lop Circle
http://www.ukdutch.co.uk/ United Kingdom Dutch Club
http://www.nattan1891.webspace.virginmedia.com/ The National Tan Rabbit Club
Media, Organisations and other Pages of Interest
http://www.furandfeather.co.uk/ Fur and Feather official magaine to the rabbit fancy
http://www.rabbitwelfare.co.uk/ The British House Rabbit Society
http://www.galensgarden.co.uk/ Fantastic page, natural remedies, advice etc.
http://www.dvaergkanin.dk/lutino.htm Danish site with brief history of the Lutino rabbit
http://www.kaninchenwissen.de/knowledge/kb_show.php?id=34 Another Lutino site explaining the genetics
https://www.facebook.com/groups/minilopsgb/ Face book page for Mini lops
http://www.medirabbit.com/EN/index_en.htm very good Swiss site
http://www.amysrabbitranch.com/Color&Genetics/Lutinos%202011.pdf Lutino genetic page
https://www.facebook.com/groups/102348720154467/ Lutino Facebook Group
https://www.facebook.com/Lutino-Rabbits-UK-1566869833542973/ Lutino UK facebook page
https://www.facebook.com/groups/167637010078595/ European Facebook Group